
Getting Back to the Speed of Life

Chiropractor in Raymore

Our F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic chiropractors in Raymore use an evidence-based, patient centered methodology. Our mission is to empower our patients to maximize their health, power, and performance. We utilize a “Functional Integrative Triage” (F.I.T.) approach to patient care.

F.I.T. Muscle & Joint Clinic – Raymore

1800 Wyandotte #201, Kansas City, MO 64108

Phone: 816.441.5656
Fax: 913.745.4352
Email: raymore@fitmjc.com

Monday: 7:30am-6pm
Tuesday: 12pm-7pm
Wednesday: 7:30am-1pm
Thursday: 12pm-7pm
Friday: 7:30am-6pm

https://www.google.com/maps?q=121+n+dean+ave+raymore+mo+64083 121 N. Dean Ave Raymore, MO 64083